Southgate Veterans Memorial Library - Home

Southgate Veterans Memorial Library

Open Monday through Thursday 10am to 9pm, & Saturday 10am to 5pm

Youth Programming

Young Child Programs

Baby & Me Playgroup, Mondays at 10:30am
February 3 (library is closed on February 17)

Babies and their caregivers are invited to spend time socializing and playing together in a space just for them.

Baby Storytime, Mondays at 10:30am
February 10 & 24

Children birth to walking and their caregivers are invited to join our lap sit program for stories, songs, and rhymes, to nurture prereading skills. After the program everyone is welcome to stay for playgroup time.

Family Programs

Take your Child to the Library Day!
Saturday, February 1 at 12pm

In celebration of take your child to the library day, we are having a party, and we’ve invited some very special guests: the Heeler Sisters! Drop in and join us for a fun time of games, crafts, and photos with new friends to kick off a new year of programs at the library!

Family Storytime, Thursdays at 11am
February 6 & 20

Children of all ages and their families are invited to join us for books, music, and more!

Passive Programs

Available whenever the library is open!

Brighten Up the Southgate Library

Youth in grades 1 - 12 are invited to submit artwork, to be displayed in the library! The art may be created in any way, we just ask that it be flat so it can fit in the frame, and no larger than 8.5"x11" (letter paper size). Otherwise, the sky is the limit!

We will be accepting submissions until Thursday, February 13. For more information, and a submission form, please see the front desk. We can't wait to see what you create.

Scavenger Hunt

Grab a scavenger hunt list at the front desk, and search for pictures throughout the Children's section of the library. Don't worry if you can't find everything; we've got hints if you get stuck. Bring your completed sheet up to the desk to be rewarded with a sticker!

Teen Programs: 6th - 12th grade

Teen Advisory Board
Wednesday, February 26 at 6pm

Are you looking to get involved in your community? Do you want to have input into what programming and materials the library offers? Then join the Teen Advisory Board! The goal of TAB is to work together to create a welcoming environment for teens at the library. Meetings will take place the last Wednesday of the month, and there will be additional opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. For more information, see the website, stop in the library, or email the youth librarian, Jennifer Pickles, at

Adult Winter Reading Program
Monday, January 6 - Thursday, March 20

The Adult Winter Reading Program has returned for its fifth year! The theme this year is Color My World, where you fill out a bingo sheet according to the colors of the titles and covers of what you read. When you get a Bingo, turn in your sheet for prizes! Sign up in person at the library to get started!

COVID Tests available

Thanks to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, we once again have free COVID-19 tests available! We have received more tests from the Library OTC COVID-19 Test Distribution Program; if you need some, just come in to the library and ask at the front desk.

Because supplies are limited, we can only give out 1 test per person in a household each day, so you can pick up a test for yourself, your spouse, children, etc. However, only 5 tests can be picked up for a single household each day; if you need more, come back the next day.

For more information on when and how to use the test, as well as what to do with positive or negative results, check out the COVID-19 Self-Testing Fast Facts page.

Contact Info - Phone: 734-258-3002 - Address: 14680 Dix-Toledo Rd. Southgate, MI 48195

Hours - Mon-Thurs: 10am-9PM - Sat: 10am-5pm